Saturday, June 21, 2008

Note to Self: Just Write!!

David Romer (Yes, every graduate student's favorite macro textbook author), has some advice on writing your dissertation. Heads up, my friends!

The key is to just write! The whole thing:

  1. Don't clutter up your life with other activities; just write.
  2. Don't carry out a thorough and comprehensive search of the literature; just write.
  3. Don't attempt to make sure that every page you write shows the full extent of your professional skills; just write.
  4. Don't write a well-organized, well-integrated, unified dissertation; just write.
  5. Don't think profound thoughts that shake the intellectual foundations of the discipline; just write.
  6. If you don't have a paper started by the spring of your third year, be alarmed.
  7. If you don't have a paper largely drafted by the fall of your fourth year, panic.
  8. Have three new ideas a week while you are getting started.
  9. Don't try to game the profession, work on what interests you.
  10. Good papers in economics have three characteristics:
    A viewpoint.
    A lever.
    A result.

Good Luck!

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