Monday, July 28, 2008

Obama's Colleagues on Obama

Obama's Colleagues-

Michael McConnell:
Back in 1990, when McConnell was still teaching at Chicago, he wrote an article about church- state relations for the Harvard Law Review that Obama, who was then the Law Review's president, edited. As McConnell recently recalled the experience to Politico: "A frequent problem with student editors is that they try to turn an article into something they want it to be. It was striking that Obama didn't do that. He tried to make it better from my point of view."

Richard Epstein:
Epstein, who once almost sold his Hyde Park home to Obama and would buttonhole him to talk about things like state mandates for health insurance, offers one reason why: "He was always a terrific listener. He'd sit there and cock his head, take it all in."

Of course, as Epstein points out, Obama's willingness to listen didn't necessarily mean he was willing to be convinced. "What you don't get, alas and alack, out of all this is a change in point of view," Epstein says. "If you ask me whether I had any influence on his intellectual or moral development, I'd say no, not even a little."

Daniel Fischel:
"He's much more intellectual, much more thoughtful, much more interested in discussion, debate, and dialogue than the typical politician. And that gives me some confidence about him, even though from my perspective he's much too liberal. I've never voted for a Democrat in my entire life. He's the first one I might vote for."

Friday, July 25, 2008

Homo Economicus vs. Homo Sapiens

Even so, "we are nowhere near the demise of traditional neoclassical economics," he argues. Instead, insights from brain studies may enable orthodox economists to develop a richer definition of rationality. "These traditional economists may be more impressed by brain evidence than evidence from psychology," he says; "when you talk about biology either in an evolutionary or physical sense, you feel they have greater comfort levels than when you start to talk about psychology.”

我認為運用其他學門的研究方法及融入他們的學科對經濟學而言是非常棒的! 畢竟研究就是這樣,就是要嘗試之前沒有人做過的東西,將我們人類的知識再往前推一步。不管對錯,因為若是錯的,你也是有貢獻的: 至少你可以告訴後人這是錯的。

然而,我對於 "腦神經經濟學" 的發展並不樂觀。已有太多的證據顯示,在實驗室做的結果跟在市場上表現出來的行為是有很大的差異的。John List 就是在這方面最有名的經濟學家。他發現人類在實驗室所做的決定,跟在市場上所做的決定是不一樣的。而在市場上的決定跟經濟理論的預測比較相近。我們到頭來是要研究人類在市場上的行為,而不是實驗室內的行為。

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sorry, but it is not National Tsing Hua University

From The Economist:

IF YOU are a PhD student in America, there's a good chance that your undergraduate degree came from Tsinghua University in China. That's because
Tsinghua and Peking Universities are now the top feeder schools for American PhD
programmes. Chinese students have the largest presence in the natural sciences and engineering, and the better funded hard sciences have the most students. Thus, when you aggregate the number of PhD students, the Chinese universities prevail.


American students who do have the skills necessary for a quantitative PhD might also be less likely to pursue graduate work, because these skills are in high demand. A clever graduate with strong quantitative skills can fetch a high salary right out of university. The alternative of seven years of indentured servitude to your adviser probably sounds less appealing to many recent graduates.

若你是清大電機畢業,出去找工作很容易,導致出國念博士的意願降低許多。所以,當張忠謀在擔心我們缺乏國際觀,他必須想一想,是什麼東西造成這個現象的? 若你真想要提生咱們的國際觀,就降低給土生土長的工程師薪水吧。不願意喔?


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Academic Bickering

四年前,兩個經濟學家做了關於網路對音樂產業的影響。他們的結論是音樂產業的銷售下滑不是因為網路上音樂分想的關係。這非常 surpising 的 result 也刊登在最棒的期刊之一: JPE。




Monday, July 21, 2008

137th Open Championship - Final Day

Nope, Greg Norman 沒有拿冠軍。反而 Paddy Harrington 衛冕成功。這也是非常了不起的。Harrington,一位非常討喜的愛爾蘭選手,原先還擔心這場比賽他無法參加了,因為他的手腕受傷。但是,他撐了四天,最後一天打69杆,獲得back to back 的英國公開賽冠軍。距離上一位歐洲選手連貫100多年。這冠軍也使他的世界排名提升到第3。Good job Paddy.

我必須再一次的讚賞 Greg Norman。對,他又領先了三天卻最後沒有拿冠軍。但是,這一星期我們根本沒有預料到他可以領先阿! Greg Norman 再一次的展現了他年輕時的球技,就算只有3天,當球迷的我還能奢求什麼? 感謝Greg Norman! 打的真好


Sunday, July 20, 2008

137th Open Championship - Day Three

What can I say? 五星期前的美國公開賽,讓所有的高球迷見識到一場歷史性的對決。沒有想到,同一年間,我們有幸看到另一場歷史性的比賽。Greg Norman是老虎時代之前的老虎。我小時候有買他的帽子,他的衣服。但是,我從來沒有看過他拿大賽冠軍! 我真希望他今天能贏! 但是,有許多人懷疑他是否能夠穩住。畢竟他以前在最後一天的時候時常會失常。他自己怎麼說呢?

當Nick Faldo,當年Greg Norman 最難纏的對手,被問說他覺得Greg Norman明天行不行,他說:

"I've got a funny feeling he can"


Greg Norman 加油!!

Greg Norman is Leading!!!

打完3天,Greg Norman,我兒時的偶像,領先2杆! 太爽了! 希望他能穩住,拿下冠軍!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

137th Open Championship - Day Two


昨天我盯著電視機觀看英國公開賽,我看到我13年前崇拜的偶像領先公開賽! 你們能想像看到喬丹再次帶領公牛隊打入NBA總冠軍戰嗎? 但是,昨天Greg Norman一杆一杆的將時間倒轉,也攜手引領觀眾通過時光隧道,回到大白鯊最威風的時代。仿佛想要提醒觀眾雖然這一次沒有老虎,但是20年前有我,大白鯊,我應該可以代替一下吧!? 真的是太精采了。

當然,讓時光倒流的還有 David Duval,10年前還排名全世界第一的選手,曾經是唯一撼動過老虎的寶座的高手。然而現在已經世界排名跌出1000的選手,早已被其他年輕高手取代了,也被我們遺忘了,也在本次的公開賽表現突出。他昨天打69,只落後3杆。但是若他要重返榮耀的話,我們又要忍受他無聊的訪談:

還有許多其他很棒的故事: 例如,現在領先的KJ Choi。若他奪冠的話將是史上第一位亞洲選手拿下大賽冠軍。還有衛冕冠軍,Padraig Harrngton,原本因為手腕受傷打算退賽,但是現在只落後3杆! 當然,還有Rocco Mediate,仍然不退縮,往前衝,就是硬要拿冠軍。還有蜘蛛人,Camillo Villegas,昨天連抓5 隻小鳥,現在只落後2杆。記者一定沒有想到,沒有老虎也可以這麼精采!

Friday, July 18, 2008

137th Open Championship - Day One


打完第一天,Rocco Mediate 領先! 對! 就是跟老虎纏鬥91洞的老先生!

另一個令人驚奇的故事是 Greg Norman。他是我小時候的偶像,現在53歲,最近跟Chris Evert 結婚似乎對他的高爾夫球有幫助。他才落後一杆。

最令人失望的就是 Ernie Els,Phil Mickelson,與 Vijay Singh 吧。他們三個人合起來總共高於標準杆29杆。沒有想到,老虎不在,他們還沒有把握機會。


Thursday, July 17, 2008

137th Open Championship


大家都看好 Sergio Garcia,但是我不同意。

Tuesday, July 15, 2008




Seth developed an interest in economics during his freshman year at Allderdice, when he saw a Web site recommendation for Friedrich Hayek's 1944 book "The Road to Serfdom."

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Thursday, July 10, 2008

大家不要唸經濟系 (這樣的話我可以賺更多!)

之前我有介紹過,起薪最高的科系。今天跟各位分想生涯平均收入最高的科系 (美國資料):

1. Computer Engineering
2. Economics
3. Electrical Engineering
4. Computer Science
5. Mechanical Engineering
6. Finance
7. Mathematics
8. Civil Engineering
9. Political Science
10. Marketing
11. Accounting
12. History
13. Business Management
14. Communications
15. English
16. Biology
17. Sociology
18. Graphic Design
19. Psychology
20. Criminal Justice


Amazing China + Africa Fact


There are already more Chinese living in Nigeria than there were Britons during the height of the empire.

下面一句話挺中肯的,但是 "takeout" 不太對,我倒認為非洲也會因此而受益良多:

And unlike America's faltering effort in Iraq, the Chinese ain't spreading democracy, folks. They're there to get what they need to feed the machine. The phenomenon even has a name on the ground in the sub-Sahara: the Great Chinese Takeout.

未來非洲的發展可能就是靠中國大陸這樣的開發了。有時候我們真的是很好心,進行一些慈善捐助,但是到頭來最重要的課題不是送非洲魚,而是教他如何釣魚。而中國的投資會對整個非洲的硬體上有極大的貢獻,但在軟體上更是! 整個文化與態度會因此而改變,帶他們通往現代文明的路上。



Misunderstandings are common, however, and resentments inevitably arise. Africans in many countries complain that Chinese workers occupy jobs that locals are either qualified for or could be easily trained to do. “We are happy to have the Chinese here,” said Dennis Phiri, 21, a Malawian university student who is studying to become an engineer. “The problem with the Chinese companies is that they reserve all the good jobs for their own people. Africans are only hired in menial roles.” Another frequent criticism is that the Chinese are clannish, sticking among themselves day and night.

Google Earth Flight Simulator

1. 下載 Google Earth 4.3
2. 開啟 Google Earth
3. 按 ctrl+alt+A


PS: 蠻難操作的,請詳讀

Tuesday, July 01, 2008


穿短裙的長髮美女,這似乎不只是我們男生喜歡看到的,就連相機器人一般的經濟學家 (似乎有許多笑話說經濟學家是不食人間煙火,沒血沒淚,無聊透頂的學者)也是樂見的

但是我有所保留,畢竟這一些相關性沒有任何合理的因果關係。裙子短是因為景氣好而比較有閒餘的時間去打扮自己,放鬆心情? 頭髮短是因為景氣差所以沒有心情顧髮型? 我不太相信。有太多其他無法量化的因素了。
