Thursday, March 19, 2009



The Israeli theory of what it tried to do here is summed up in a Hebrew phrase heard across Israel and throughout the military in the past weeks: “baal habayit hishtageya,” or “the boss has lost it.” It evokes the image of a madman who cannot be controlled.

"This phrase means that if our civilians are attacked by you, we are not going to respond in proportion but will use all means we have to cause you such damage that you will think twice in the future," said Giora Eiland, a former national security adviser.

瘋子的行為是無法預測的更是無法控制的。以色列的策略就是理性的發飆。當你對我發射一顆飛彈,我的還擊是一發不可收拾的,像個瘋子一樣。想要更了解這一切的道理可以看謝林的 "The Strategy of Conflict" 或是看這一篇文章

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