Friday, February 22, 2008


今天早上在德州上演了一場對決: Obama vs. Clinton 的辯論

我個人認為Obama四平八穩,有領導者的風範,而Clinton的表現也非常有風度,雖然落後但是仍然很有風度 (不像台灣的政治人物)。但是很顯然的Clinton很想強調自己的健保提案比Obama的更好。而觀察家竟然一致同意,Clinton的確在健保上勝Obama。

But it was by no means a poor performance for Clinton, and she did successfully draw some contrasts with Obama on his health care stance — an issue in which she holds the upper hand. Obama's plan could leave many uninsured, and Clinton effectively stressed this point in one of her strongest moments of the debate. She immediately put Obama on the defensive about his own plan and proved she understands this issue through and through.


這太可笑了! Clinton的健保是一個mandante。也就是所有的人都要購買健保,不購買者會被罰錢的! 但是Obama是降低價格好讓大家都有機會享有健保。一個是有選擇餘地的,另一個是被逼迫的,你要哪一種!?


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