Sunday, August 31, 2008
A Check Up from the Neck Up

Sarah Palin’s sister Molly married a guy named Mike Wooten who is an Alaska State Trooper. Mike and Molly had a rocky marriage. When the marriage broke up, there was a bitter custody fight that is still ongoing. During the custody investigation, all sorts of things were brought up about Wooten including the fact that he had illegally shot a moose (yes folks this is Alaska), driven drunk, and used a taser (on the test setting, he reminds us) on his 11-year old stepson, who supposedly had asked to see what it felt like. While Wooten has turned out to be a less than stellar figure, the fact that Palin’s father accompanied him on the infamous moose hunt, and that many of the dozens of charges brought up by the Palin family happened long before they were ever reported smacked of desperate custody fight. Wooten’s story is that he was
basically stalked by the family.
After all this, Wooten was investigated and disciplined on two counts and allowed to kept his position with the troopers. Enter Walt Monegan, Palin’s appointed new chief of the Department of Public Safety and head of the troopers. Monegan was beloved by the troopers, did a bang-up job with minimal funding and suddenly got axed. Palin was out of town and Monegan got "offered another job” (aka fired) with no explanation to Alaskans. Pressure was put on the governor to give details, because rumors started to swirl around the fact that the highly respected Monegan was fired because he refused to fire the aforementioned Mike Wooten. Palin vehemently denied ever talking to Monegan or pressuring Monegan in any way to fire Wooten, or that anyone on her staff did. Over the weeks it has come out that not only was pressure applied, there were literally dozens of conversations in which pressure was applied to fire him. Monegan has testified to this fact, spurring an ongoing investigation by the Alaska state legislature. But, before this investigation got underway, Palin sent the Alaska State Attorney General out to do some investigative work of his own so she could find out in advance what the real investigation was going to find. (No, I’m not making this up). The AG interviewed several people, unbeknownst to the actual appointed investigator or the Legislature! Palin’s investigation of herself uncovered a recorded phone call retained by the Alaska State Troopers from Frank Bailey, a Palin underling, putting pressure on a trooper about the Wooten non-firing. Todd Palin (governor’s husband) even talked to Monegan himself in Palin’s office while she was away. Bailey is now on paid administrative leave.
As if this weren’t enough, Monegan’s appointed replacement Chuck Kopp, turns out to have been the center of his own little scandal. He received a letter of reprimand and was reassigned after sexual harrassment allegations by a former coworker who didn’t like all the unwanted kissing and hugging in the office. Was he vetted? Obviously not. When he was questioned about all this, his comment was that no one had asked him and he thought they all knew. Kopp, defiant, still claimed to have done nothing wrong and said to the press that there was no way he was stepping down from his new position. Twenty four hours later, he stepped down. Later it was uncovered that he received a $10,000 severance package for his two weeks on the job from Palin. Monegan got nothing.
McCain really doesn't know that much about Palin, either. He met her once in February. He interviewed her as part of the vetting process...and that's it. He never worked with her.
A very reliable source overheard Republican spokesperson McHugh Pierre state TODAY that he had spoken to the McCain Campaign. They are coming to Alaska tomorrow to check out the "Troopergate" investigation.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I'm so happy! I got the bronze medal!
What do you think? Who is likely to experience more regret? Someone who won the silver medal in the Olympics, or someone who won the bronze medal in the Olympics?
In one study Bob Willingham took thousands of photographs of athletes in the seconds after they had won or lost a medal. Next, David Matsumoto then coded the photographs according to the athletes’ expressions.
What did they find? bronze-medal winners looked nearly as happy as the winners of the gold medal, whereas the expressions of the silver medalists more closely resembled the athletes who placed fifth.Silver medalists at the Olympics seem to perform what we call an upward comparison — they compare themselves against someone better off than them. Bronze medalists seem to perform downward comparison — they tend to compare themselves with people who did worse.
The Amazing Bolt!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
若你在閱讀這一篇文章,就表示你即將要成為研究生。這是什麼意思呢? 當經濟的研究生要幹什麼呢? 你們即將面臨哪一些挑戰呢? 這一篇文章將分成兩大部分: “研究生應有的態度” 及 “即將面臨的挑戰”。
顧名思義,研究生就是要做研究 (你不會以為只要念好手邊的書就好了吧?)。當然,你們也會修許多課,但是這一些課都是為你們未來作研究而開的。所以這一些課都會有考試,但是時常都是take home exam,其目的在培養各位自己找答案的能力。也因為如此,所以各位修這一些課的態度也要有別與以往大學時追求考試高分或是報告高分的態度。各位要記得,修這一些課是希望各位具備作研究的能力,因此你們主要的目標應該是要如何靈活的應用你們在課堂裡所學的東西,及這一些東西有沒有寫論文的空間。如此一來,你們會需要駕馭老師所教的同時也會需要主動到圖書館找尋相關的資料以取得更全面的理解。各位只要記住,念研究所要培養自己找尋答案與學習的能力。
我不會推薦各位看哪一部電影 (黑暗騎士很好看,我看了兩遍!),我也不會跟各位說要怎麼分配自己的時間,或是各位應該修幾學分或是可不可以打工 (有一位很不錯的經濟學家,Kevin Murphy,就是從打工學習到很多經濟學)。我只能跟各位說,適當的休息很重要,但是經濟學的靈感來源千奇百怪,各位要時常胡思亂想。例如,各位若有看奧運,可能會發現中華職棒打到第五名也可以拿錢,而中國的運動選手只有拿金牌才有奨金可拿。各位可以想想,這兩種不同的獎勵方式會如何影響選手的態度與表現呢? 或是若各位有注意女子體操可能有耳聞中國體操選手年紀不到16歲的傳聞 (奧運選手一定要滿16歲才能參賽),各位也可以想一想有什麼辦法可以證明這幾個中國女子體操選手年齡不及16歲?
我的重點來了! 雖然經濟學家沒有實驗室,但是我們有更好的工作場所: 整個社會就是我們的playground。要隨時保持好奇心,有時候最愚蠢的問題卻是經濟學突破的開端 (Michael Spence就是問說 “為何要去學校念書?” 而最終得了諾貝爾獎)。因此”思索”經濟學是很重要的!
你已經把一個想法清楚的在白紙黑字上表達出來了,整個邏輯也說的通,但是你要如何判斷經濟故事豐富不豐富,或是你的想法有沒有貢獻? 簡而言知,就是要如何判斷什麼是好的想法? 這就要看各位有沒有時常閱讀書或論文。看書或論文可以幫我們培養”經濟學的品味”。任何人都可以做數學模型,任何人都可以掰一個經濟故事,但是要如何做出一個好的研究就要多看一些大師的作品。剛剛開始看的時候,大概只能看得懂一點點,但是看多了之後就可以看出一些端倪,各位也會發現自己的能力逐漸提升,想法也越來越精緻,寫出來的東西可看性也變高了許多。更重要的是你們也會培養出經濟學的品味,可以判斷自己做出來的東西是好是壞。
這是最常被提及的(問題)挑戰。許多學弟妹即將面臨所謂的”語言障礙”。沒有錯,數學在經濟學沒有什麼神聖的地位,它不像在物理學裡可以幫我們解開宇宙的秘密。它在經濟學裡所扮演的角色只是一個語言而已! 經濟學家喜歡用數學來傳達自己的想法因為它比較嚴謹。若我們今天不使用數學,我們的答案會異想天開,變的沒有確切的依據,容易偏離經濟思維的軸心 (這軸心就是人會作出理性的選擇)。正是因為數學能清楚的表達出經濟邏輯,要成為經濟學家就必須熟習這語言才能讓其他人接受你的想法。
在美國開學前,經濟系的研究生都要上所謂的 “math camp”。可以從該堂課中學習到念經濟應具備的數學能力。台灣的經濟研究所沒有這種課,所以各位要自己補強這一方面的能力。許多人將個經,總經與計量所用到的數學統稱為經濟數學。然而,這不是一個理想的分類法,因為各位隨便拿一本經濟數學的課本會很難找到計量相關的數學。一般所稱的經濟數學都是在討論最適化的方法,也就是optimization,一般而言,微積分基礎好的人理解這不會有太大的問題。但是計量經濟都在討論資料的處理,若有念過數理統計者將較容易理解。
若要加強數學,可以買一本經濟數學的書或是一本數理統計的課本,也可以旁聽清大所開的一些數學課。清大數學系是全台灣最有名的數學研究機構之一,大家可以在這兩年間,把握機會多修一些數學系所的課,收益良多。那要聽哪一些課,買哪一些書呢? Greg Mankiw 有推薦經濟系的學生修下列的課程:
1. Calculus – 微積分
2. Linear Algebra – 線性代數
3. Multivariable Calculus – 多變數微積分
4. Real Analysis – 實數分析 (這在清大只有開給研究生的水平,修前請三思)
5. Probability Theory – 機率論
6. Mathematical Statistics – 數理統計 (可以考慮修計財系,鐘經樊老師的課)
7. Game Theory – 賽局理論 (任何想要研究個體經濟學的人一定要修)
8. Differential Equations – 微分方程 (修ODE就好)
若大家覺得考試壓力很大,可以考慮旁聽。我個人曾修以上所有的課程除了微分方程。(但我實分析被當!) 修過這一些課程對理解課程內容與論文的數學模型有非常大的幫助。
1. Elementary Classical Analysis by Jerrold E. Marsden and Michael J. Hoffman
2. Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Walter Rudin
1. Optimization in Economic Theory by Avinash Dixit
2. Mathematics for Economists by Carl P. Simon and Lawrence E. Blume
1. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics by Hogg, Craig and McKean
2. Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics by Takeshi Amemiya
其實有一些經濟學課本後面的附錄中也有一部分是講經濟數學的,內容也都相當豐富。我個人最喜歡 Geoffrey Jehle and Philip Reny 所寫的 Advanced Microeconomic Theory 裡的數學附錄。暑假剩下幾周的時間不妨從這一本書的附錄開始複習。
大家是來念經濟學的,但是時常會覺得自己的精力和時間都奉獻給數學了。這也難免,畢竟要學會寫程式之前必須要先搞懂程式語言。想要看一本得過普立茲獎的書之前,最起碼需要看得懂英文。然而,我發現許多人看原文書時,會鑽研那一本書中的文法,每一個不懂的單字都查字典,每一頁都圖滿了密密麻麻的中文筆跡。這種態度是很好的! 可惜的是,時常會因為這樣而忘記了書的情結或內容,根本不記得書到底在寫什麼了! 念經濟學也時常會這樣。有時會很興奮的在那邊偏微分,但是卻完全忘記我們為何要這樣作。所以當你看到一個數學式的時候,你不僅要確認他導出來沒有問題,更重要的是你要理解他經濟含意。有的時候看多了就自然會明白一些數學式子背後的意義。更厲害的人,給他一個經濟問題,他不用數學也可以一步一步的推敲結論。而他的邏輯脈絡是可以一步一步的用數學表示。這就是所謂的經濟直覺。這是所有經濟學家都在尋求的。我個人發覺有一個方法是可以很快的培養這種直覺: 多看經濟的書。
看課本或上課時常會感到疲勞或乏味,漸漸的就失去對經濟學的熱忱,因為課本或課堂的內容有時過於技術性。我個人喜歡看經濟的書來培養經濟直覺,因為看這些書不僅可以學到許多大師是如何思考經濟問題,更可以培養對經濟的熱忱 (因為裡面沒有過多的技術細節)。以下我推薦幾本我喜歡的書給各位:
1. “The Armchair Economist” by Steven Landsburg – 若只有時間閱讀一本,就看這一本。
2. “The Logic of Life” by Tim Harford – 兩個月前才看完的,最後面有介紹到民主的形成,非常精彩!
3. “The Undercover Economist” by Tim Harford – 個經教到差別取價時,要閱讀第三章!
4. “Freakonomics” by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner – 想要了解一下經濟思維的另類應用,就一定要看,我有作者的簽名喔!
5. “The Strategy of Conflict” by Thomas Schelling – 賽局的經典著作之一,將賽局 “人性” 化了。我有作者的簽名!
6. “Thinking Strategically” by Avinash Dixit and Barry Nalebuff – 想認識賽局理論的思考方式,但是又怕數學,這本必看。
7. “Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations” by David Warsh – 經濟故事書。裡面發生的事都是真實故事,故事男主角,Paul Romer,是被譽為鐵定能拿諾貝爾獎的經濟學家。各位會念到的內生性經濟成長模型就是它所提出的。
8. “More Sex is Safer Sex” by Steven Landsburg – 書的內容將外部性的一些驚人結果描述的很清楚。
9. “The Economics of Life” by Gary Becker – 裡面探討的東西偏難,但是這位諾貝爾獎得主就是有辦法化繁為簡。建議對經濟學有一點認識時再看。
10. “When Genius Failed” by Roger Lowenstein – 講述幾位華爾街最聰明的頭腦,最後差一點把整個美國經濟給搞砸。不要念計財! 開玩笑啦!
11. “Defending the Undefendable” by Walter Block – 若你心臟夠強就看,因為它有很多論點你看了可能會生氣。但是這本書是好書。
12. “The Making of Modern Economics” by Mark Skousen – 必讀。一位念經濟的人一定要了解經濟學從亞當斯密斯那看不見的手開始,到現在理論的演變過程。這本書很多故事!
清大是一間很棒的學校,各位不要排斥與其他系所交流 (我跟資工的同學交流發現我所學的東西在他們那邊可以應用到一些問題上),各位也不要排斥學習其它新的事物 (我跟不同系所的朋友聊天總是學到一堆有趣的知識)。當研究生就是能學多少就學多少。我相信保持這樣的態度會讓你如魚得水,在清大過的非常充實自在。
Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Lightning Bolt
100m 跑 9.69! 這是人類史上很重要的一天。到最後的時候Usain Bolt還提早慶祝,不然可能可以更快。
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Officials and observers offered several explanations for the empty seats. Some speculated that tickets reserved for sponsors and VIPs might be going unused in preliminary or qualifying rounds as officials with a claim to them wait for the finals. Chinese organizers provided large state-run enterprises with blocks of tickets, particularly to non-marquee events, to distribute to workers. Many of those employees may simply be deciding it is not worth the hassle to use them.
Venues across Beijing were dotted Tuesday by the cheerful cheer squads. At the Fengtai Sports Center Softball Field, about 200 people sporting yellow shirts with "Cheering From Beijing Workers" inscribed on them in English and Mandarin sat in the scorching sun in the outfield bleachers, which were otherwise largely empty. Covering their heads with white caps, towels or pieces of newspaper to stave off the heat, they waved tiny red flags, red fans and inflatable noisemakers. Several described themselves as blue-collar workers who had gotten tickets from their factories or companies and had been schooled in the art of good cheering.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008
老虎伍茲巧裝成Paddy Harrington
Harrington is the only player in the world to have been partnered with Tiger Woods in a tournament five or more times and to outscore him. Harrington has a 68.83 average in six rounds, compared with Woods' average score of 69.50. The rest of the world's top players averaged over 70.

Beijing Olympics: Opening Ceremony
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
1985 年美國公開賽
Chen's approach to the par-4 green came up short and right. Then he attempted a tough chip from thick grass, the shot he laments today. ....... T.C. Chen made an ill-timed double-hit on his way to blowing a 4-stroke lead and earning the nickname "Two-Chip" Chen.
那一球真的影響很大! 他最後輸給 Andy North 一杆。想像他那一年贏的話,高爾夫球在台灣,甚至在亞洲的發展是否腳步會更快呢? 我一職認為他那一年贏的話,台灣會更重視培育高球人才。真的非常可惜。
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Maskin on Hurwicz
But it is Leo's personality that will be remembered most fondly by those who knew him. A warm and charming man, he had a deadpan sense of humorthat could turn somewhat sharp on occasion. Once a visiting seminarspeaker wrote a theorem on the blackboard. Asserting that the result was"obvious," the speaker looked around the room, daring anyone tochallenge him. Leo piped up immediately: "Is that proof by intimidation?"