There are already more Chinese living in Nigeria than there were Britons during the height of the empire.
下面一句話挺中肯的,但是 "takeout" 不太對,我倒認為非洲也會因此而受益良多:
And unlike America's faltering effort in Iraq, the Chinese ain't spreading democracy, folks. They're there to get what they need to feed the machine. The phenomenon even has a name on the ground in the sub-Sahara: the Great Chinese Takeout.
未來非洲的發展可能就是靠中國大陸這樣的開發了。有時候我們真的是很好心,進行一些慈善捐助,但是到頭來最重要的課題不是送非洲魚,而是教他如何釣魚。而中國的投資會對整個非洲的硬體上有極大的貢獻,但在軟體上更是! 整個文化與態度會因此而改變,帶他們通往現代文明的路上。
Misunderstandings are common, however, and resentments inevitably arise. Africans in many countries complain that Chinese workers occupy jobs that locals are either qualified for or could be easily trained to do. “We are happy to have the Chinese here,” said Dennis Phiri, 21, a Malawian university student who is studying to become an engineer. “The problem with the Chinese companies is that they reserve all the good jobs for their own people. Africans are only hired in menial roles.” Another frequent criticism is that the Chinese are clannish, sticking among themselves day and night.
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