Monday, January 26, 2009


上星期奧斯卡提名名單出爐,其中 Richard Jenkins 飾演一名經濟學家被提名最佳男主角。經濟學家!!?? 天阿! 經濟學家有什麼好演的!? 我沒看過電影,但是影評是這樣描述男主角的:

When we first meet Walter Vale (Richard Jenkins), he is in a state of emotional inertia that clinicians might identify as depression. He does not seem acutely unhappy, but then again, he doesn’t seem to feel much at all, locking whatever inner life he might have behind an aloof, unfailingly polite demeanor and keeping a glass of red wine handy in case further anesthesia should prove necessary.

A professor of economics at Connecticut College and a widower, Walter plods through an existence that looks comfortable and easy enough, but also profoundly tedious. He recycles old syllabuses and lecture notes for his classes, and suffers through piano lessons in a half-hearted effort to sustain some kind of connection to his wife, who was a classical concert pianist.

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