Again, a very very strong list! Armen Alchian is 94 years old, I think. He definitely deserves it!
In light of the financial crisis, a large portion of economists think that Richard Thaler and Robert Shiller are short listed, another portion feels that the institutionalists will win, people like Armen Alchian, Oliver Williamson, Jean Tirole, Oliver Hart, Gene Grossman, John Moore. The first two are the founders of the New Institutional Economics, while the last three have been instrumental in developing the incomplete contract theory, and Jean Tirole is just a genius in the field who will be recognized sooner or later.
By bet is still on Eugene Fama, Kenneth French and Richard Thaler, but if Oliver Williamson or Armen Alchian wins, I'd be very very happy too!
1 comment:
One year ago, interpretable as ‘political action’ by the awarders:
Nobel Peace Prize 2007
"for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change"
IPCC and Al Gore
This year (10/13/2008), more ‘political action’? ... Economic Sciences prize to Robert Shiller ... promotion of dis-irrationality in finance/economics .. which, FURTHER, may spillover elsewhere!
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