Sunday, June 29, 2008


從今天在 The Austrian Economists 上看到的文章,關於油價與貧富不均的問題:

The basic lessons of political economy seem to have been lost in much of the current debate. Government cannot be seen as a corrective, but at best should be viewed as a referee. The incentives politicians face are distorted, and the knowledge they have to work with is constitutionally limited, that efforts to tinker with the economy let alone guide the economy are destined to fall short of the goal and in most cases in fact make matters worse.


….. I used to often joke when describing the evolution of government policy tools with respect to macroeconomics that it is as if the Yankee shortstop (I have stopped using this since Derek Jeter took over the job so this goes way back in my teaching career) kept letting balls roll through his legs and instead of replacing the shortstop, we just kept giving him a bigger glove. Now the glove is so big the shortstop cannot even move to cover the ground ball hit to his left or his right. What manager or team owner would allow such a thing? Yet we do all the time with respect to public policy. The Fed screws up, give it more power. Lets just try harder next time. IT DOESN'T WORK.


What is good politics in other words may very well be bad economics, and what would be good economics might be bad politics.

這一篇文章說明了現金大家對於政府的誤解,但是此誤解是從哪裡來的呢? 若我們無法正確的了解其起因,我們的政府政策與經濟政策會永遠存在著這種落差。我覺得這也是為何奧地利學派無法繼續發展的重要原因,他們所倡導的市場理論雖然大至正確,也深得經濟學家的信賴,然而因為無法獲得政府的青睞,只好漸漸被其他學派的聲音給掩蓋住了。

其實,政府政策跟好的經濟政策有落差的原因是因為我們自己對於經濟與政府的誤解與過高的期望。"選民的眼睛是雪亮的","他很清楚政府在做什麼" 等等字句是常常在選舉時所耳聞的。然而,真是如此嗎? 我們真的有花很多時間去了解所有參選者的政策,進行客觀的評估,並且尋求專家的意見嗎? 我覺得並沒有。因為其實每人一票的價值真的很低賤。首先,你做完候選人的功課後,你去投你最信賴的,他就真會選上嗎? 第二,這一些政策帶給你的福利真質得你投入的那一些時間嗎? 第三,也是最主要的原因,選舉也有外部性吧,你今天為何要那麼努力的去了解一個候選人,你鄰居做就可以了吧。種種原因加起來,使的我們無法認真的去審視所有政策,但是有一群人卻可以做到,那就是少數的利益團體。這是為何呢?



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