By grad school, students know the drill cold: read assignments, hear lectures, do homework, and spit it all back on the exam. Problem is, just then the game changes from grades to papers; few will care about your grades, compared to your research papers, written and published. A research paper is not a term paper, and can't be dashed off the weekend before it is due. A research paper does not offer a broad overview; it says something specific and new, even if minor, that fits in a context of other research papers.
看到這一句很感動! 因為上一學期的實變把我搞瘋了,不但被當 (人生第一次被當) 也影響到我其他科目的表現,因為花太多時間在那上面導致我很多經濟的課都是臨時抱佛腳。
結論: 用心在研究上是研究生的職責!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Good Economics vs. Bad Economics

我最近在讀一本書,名叫 "Discover Your Inner Economist - Use Incentives to Fall in Love, Survive Your Next Meeting, and Motivate Your Dentist." 這一本書是 Tyler Cowen 所寫的,所以喜歡閱讀他的部落格的人會覺得他所引用的例子或故事相當熟。他在第一章有提到說要如何辨認 Good Economics 或 Bad Economics 的方法,我認為這方法非常適合大家,例如學生或做研究的人,在此跟大家分享:
1. The Postcard Test: 你的理論的概要必須在一張小卡片上就能闡述清楚了。
2. The Grandma Test: 你的奶奶必須能夠聽懂你的理論。
3. The Aha Test: 你的奶奶聽完你的理論後必須要有一點驚喜感,最後要點點頭說: "有道理!"
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